The results of background investigations allow the user to examine vital information before engaging in professional relationships. It can save a company / institution and even individuals, tremendous sums of money, time and other resources if the results from a background investigation reveal reasons why they should or should not have engage in relationships.
Certain sectors like security, law enforcement, financial, human resource, information technology, education should use background investigations as a means to gain a better understanding of the person under speculation.
Cost: $795
Dates: (Jan 29, 30 & 31) 2025
Training done by Experienced Investigations Professional
Certificates awarded to all participants.
To register for this course, contact us at 299-6999/8636 or email
Online Courses cost $900
COURSE DESCRIPTION: The initial response to any suspicion of fraud or corruption needs to be calm and measured. Knee jerk reactions and bravado such as “sack him now”, or “let’s interrogate the suspect” or “let’s kick that supplier out” or “call the police” can often come back to haunt senior management. It’s often forgotten that any investigation has two sides: what went wrong and why it went wrong.
Investigations can be rather exciting but they are also complex, expensive and rather tiring affairs. You usually need a team of professionals who have specialist skills including the analysis of computers and information, intelligence management, interviewing, and of, course legal skills. This course will provide information on how one can successfully undertake a fraud investigation.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course, participants will be able to:
In-Class: 29th Feb, 14th Mar
Online: 7th Mar, 21st Mar
Training by Qualified professional. Certificate Awarded.
To Register for this course: Email us at or call us at 223-6999 or 299-8635/299-8636
In-Person 27th February
Online: 5th, 12th, 19th March 2024
To register or for more info:(868) 223-6999
Course Fee $900.00
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course examines the definition, identification, characteristics and treatment strategies of over-the-counter and illegal drugs and the enforcement of laws relating to them. Participants’ interactions will focus on the major effects – psychological, physical, social and legal - of common drugs, including how and why drugs work; and the historical origins of common drugs of abuse.
They will be able to compare and contrast drug addiction treatment strategies, analyse current patterns of abuse and distinctive features of a drug’s abuse potential, to ascertain the law enforcement response to drug use and to compare and contrast biological, psychological and sociological explanations for addiction. The issue of rehabilitation is a key component of this course in which participants will be encouraged to critique as well as devise their own approach in dealing with this problem.
SCHEDULE (8 contact hours)
Contact us to find out more information on the educational offerings of the Caribbean Institute for Security and Public Safety.